ATS Communication Skills

“Communication, at its simplest, is the act of transferring information from one place to another. It may be vocally (using voice), written (using printed or digital media such as books, magazines, websites or emails), visually (using logos, maps, charts or graphs) or non-verbally (using body language, gestures and the tone and pitch of voice). In practice, it is often a combination of several of these“


” The said knowledge and skills will be impacted with the help of my prerecorded video tutorial, pocket note, past questions & answers, course forum, live sessions and more. Follow my instructions and you will pass at the end “

“Communication, at its simplest, is the act of transferring information from one place to another. It may be vocally (using voice), written (using printed or digital media such as books, magazines, websites or emails), visually (using logos, maps, charts or graphs) or non-verbally (using body language, gestures and the tone and pitch of voice). In practice, it is often a combination of several of these“


” The said knowledge and skills will be impacted with the help of my prerecorded video tutorial, pocket note, past questions & answers, course forum, live sessions and more. Follow my instructions and you will pass at the end “

+9 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 43 Lessons